Needle Holders, Knives, Spoons, and Vectis for use in ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery on animals. Needle holders facilitate precise suturing of delicate eye tissues, ensuring secure wound closure. Knives are used for making precise incisions during procedures such as cataract removal or corneal surgeries. Spoons aid in the removal of intraocular material or debris. Vectis instruments are employed for gentle manipulation and extraction of the lens during cataract surgery. Together, these instruments enable veterinarians to perform intricate ophthalmic procedures with accuracy and precision. The eye is fragile and requires extreme care, our high-quality veterinary Needle Holders, Knives, Spoons, and Vectis are manufactured to the highest standards and our decades of expertise guarantee high-quality and accuracy with every instrument. We strive to supply the highest quality veterinary Needle Holders, Knives, Spoons, and Vectis at a reasonable price.