Equine Instruments & Other Large Animal Instruments

Large animal instruments and equine instruments at Surgical Holdings Veterinary British Manufacturer of Prestige Veterinary Instruments. Because of the size of large animals, such as horses, sheep, goats and cattle, and the variation of their anatomy, large animal instruments, such as equine instruments, require a highly specialised range of products. All of our stainless steel large animal instruments are manufactured in accordance with BS 5194. This ensures every large animal and equine instrument has the correct composition, to ensure they can be fit for purpose and perform the action they were designed for. Our full range of Large Animal and Equine Instruments for veterinarians includes Obstetric Chains & HandlesObstetrical Instruments and Spaying Instruments and Catheters.

Needles and KnivesView
Needles and Knives
Needles and Knives
Obstetric Chains & HandlesView
Obstetric Chains & Handles
Obstetric Chains & Handles
Obstetrical ForcepsView
Obstetrical Forceps
Obstetrical Forceps
Obstetrical InstrumentsView
Obstetrical Instruments
Obstetrical Instruments
Obstetrical SpeculumView
Obstetrical Speculum
Obstetrical Speculum
Rectovaginal Fistula InstrumentsView
Rectovaginal Fistula Instruments
Rectovaginal Fistula Instruments
Spaying Instruments and CathetersView
Spaying Instruments and Catheters
Spaying Instruments and Catheters
TT CalipersView
TT Calipers
TT Calipers
Biopsy InstrumentsView
Biopsy Instruments
Biopsy Instruments